Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Lots of photos!!! --and a movie!!

Ok....lots of new photos!!!! I just picked out my faves cuz I have more than a here they are and enjoy!!!!

This one is my fave of them all!!! Diana Mike and Jaeden...

Diana put him in the walker to see what he would do but she had to put two phone books and a binder under his feet so he could He didnt like it...

I think this is a very beautiful pic of Diana

Jaedens first bath in a big tub 8-26-08..

New grandma and great grandma!!!

The shirt says "Adorable little boy seeking precious little girl must love naps and have own stroller, crawlers welcome"

Only 9 hours until Jaeden was born... Sitting and waiting on the call from the doctor..

At the docs office... I like this one!!

Big bro with little bro!!

Just born!

Mommy's first look!

Awww.... I want a doggie that stays this small!!!

This is how Shelby wishes she could look all the time...

But this is the real Shelby!!! Beautiful right???!!

Oh man I could eat a million of these!!!

Hey mom...what is that???

Haha...Duh nun duh nun duh (idk how to spell that!!)

This is the "tent" that my brother and his friends made for an RC car race...they had 2 air conditioners in there...he said that they froze!!!lol

Bubba sleeping upside

Reese in Chris's hat..

This is how buddie sleeps so that the other dogs cant get his babies...that is his fave one...

Lol...manda told grandma to smile and that is what she

Jaeden is 7 weeks old here... at one point I swear he said nose....but that could be me...IDK....

Mommy , Daddy and baby!

Ok I think that is all for now...we will see though!!!

Love you all!!

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

Ok...Well sorry I have not posted in a LONG while....But I will just make one big post I suppose...

Here it goes!!!

Jaeden is now 8 weeks and 3 days old!!!

This picture is one of my faves because the look on his face!!!

The swing is one of his favorite things to do..

See the red mark still.. :-(

Laying in bed with mom..

Watching around the room...

Hanging with daddy!

And again...

Hi mom, why do you take so many pictures???

I think this pic is cute...

And this one is my favorite...

And Bouncy bounce

And now that we have seen all the recent updated photos... He is around 11 pounds now!!! and doing well...

I will post more later....I am applying for do too much at once!!! lol

Love you all!!!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Well, it's been a little while since I have posted... But here we go!!

Jaeden is now 1 week and 2 days old, he came home on Sunday the 29th at around 11am and has done well, he had to have his tongue clipped underneath because he was having a hard time nursing and could not stick his tongue out past his gums, he was a champ tho. He had his first bath yesterday, the 5th of July, he was fine until we took his onesie off!!! LOL..Then all hell broke loose...LOL...I am also posting the finished pictures of the belly cast...

I painted the Jaeden, the rose, the frog, and the bear with the guitar... Mike did the symbol with the Little Sednem...And Diana did the smiley face with the tongue out...

Diana also painted the "Capperpillar" and the rose on this side!! These photos were taken 8 or 9 hours before he was born!!!

Yum Yum Yum, Just had some early dinner!!!
Just before the first bath!!

He has no idea what is about to happen!! (notice the bruise on his head) :-(

Grandma Deana helping Diana wash his hair.

Gotta use that cradle cap comb, that pissed him off!! Lol.. Looks like mommy got a laugh though!!

Time to dry the hair, it looks so curly... Too bad its not.. :-)

Undressing him to wash the body, getting mad now!!!

Mommy washing his body, he's done got pissed off now!!! Poor thing!

All wrapped up and warm now, he is all awake and has his eyes open.. Awwww!!

Grandma Deana and Mommy are watching him as he looks around the room.

Getting sleepy now, but making sure he keeps those eyes cracked and peeking

Saturday, June 28, 2008

Jaeden James Mendes!!!

Jaeden James Mendes is FINALLY here!!!

Well I posted the belly cast pics the other day and, at midnight that night during the belly cast Diana had some back pains but we thought nothing of it... Well after not stopping the whole night and getting worse and worse she finally realized that she was is labor... I went over there at about 600pm on the 26th and she was having contractions 7 minutes apart. She tried to lay on her side and switch positions but that was not helping. She called the doctor and the nurse said he would call her back... So we all get the stuff ready and Mike lets the dogs out. No call from the doctor so they leave and me and my sis wait to go to the hospital till we hear more. I text Mike 949pm and he says they are staying, she is completely thinned and 5 cm!!! Yay!!! So my sister and I head to the hospital and we get there and Diana and her mom are walking the halls. Mike and Grandma Joan are in triage room number 4. So we begin the waiting game!!

The weight guesses for Jaeden are-
Me: 7 lbs 8 oz Shelly: 8 lbs 3 oz
Manda: 7 lbs 1 oz Mike: 7 lbs 2 oz
Jessica:7 lbs 5 oz

-Here is a list of the things that happened in the order they happened!

08:43pm- Headed to hospital
09:49pm- 5 cm and completely thinned
10:58pm- Decided to keep her, 6cm
12:35am- Went to room #471
12:40am- Checked and still 6cm, Going walking
01:35am- Walking and had to hurry back to the room got very light headed
02:10am- Checked and no change still 6cm
02:30am- Doc came in and decided to break her water
02:50am- Checked and went up to 8cm, decided to take Stadol and see if that helps pain
03:22am- Still 8cm pain is very strong now, decided to do Epidural, Dr. said 5am at the latest
04:39am- Doc hasn't been back in yet, she has no pain
04:56am- 10cm and begin pushing!
05:36am- He is here!!! 7 lbs 2.2 oz, 20 in long, head 13.75 in, chest 13.5 in, hips 12.5 in....DARK hair and side burns, dark blue eyes!!!!

First time I held him!! 1.5 hours old

Thank God he don't have one of those squeely cries!!!

The nurse came in at 8:00 pm to do vitals temp was 98.4..good.. and she says Diana's uterus has dropped more than she has felt in someone in a long time!!! Jaeden is opening his eyes in this picture you just cant tell..

Mike, Jaeden, Diana, and Rabe... Jaeden just had

Mike holding Jaeden. 14 hours old

Daddy's first diaper change!!!

Somehow he managed not to get peed on after having him naked so long!!!

Me holding him again!!! 13 hours old now!!!

15 hours old! Squinting his little face!! (notice the little side burn on the left side!!)


Jaeden James

Born: Friday, June 27, 2008
Time: 5:36 am
Weight: 7 pounds and 2 ounces
Length: 20 inches
Parents: Diana and Mike

Delivered by: Michael L. Laccheo, M.D.
Baby's doctor: Michael L. Laccheo, M.D.

Origin of the name Jaeden:
Hebrew - "God has heard".

The Weather

  • The sun rose over Topeka at 5:59 am and set at 8:53 pm
In the financial world
  • The Dow Jones closed at 11346.51
  • The Kansas Minimum Wage was $5.15
...And the prices of some big ticket items were
  • Loaf of Bread: $2.49
  • Gallon of Milk: $3.85
  • First Class Stamp: $0.42
  • Average new home: $132,500.00
  • New car: $21, 750.00
  • Topeka: 120,300
  • U.S. Population: 287,147,451
Jaeden James shares his birthday with these other interesting people
  • 1880- Helen Keller- American author and educator who overcame deafness and blindness to achieve many great things. Her story is chronicled in the play and movie "The Miracle Worker."
  • 1913 - Willie Mosconi - One of the greatest pool players of all-time, Mosconi won the men's world championship 15 times between 1941 and 1957.
  • 1927 - Bob Keeshan - Hosted the longest running network children's show for more than 25 years as "Captain Kangaroo."
  • 1930 - H. Ross Perot - American billionaire and political agitator who twice ran for President and attempted to start a third major party during the 1990's.
There have been some other notable event on this day in history
  • 1652 - New Amsterdam (later New York City) became the first government in the New World to enact a traffic law, this one regulating the movement of wagons, carts and sleighs within the city limits.
  • 1923 - Army Air Corps pilots made the first successful mid-air fueling between airplanes in the skies over Coronado, California.
  • 1929 - Bell Telephone Labs presented the first public demonstration of color television, displaying images of the American flag, roses and a watermelon.
  • 1980 - New Jersey became the first state to graduate women from its State Police Academy. The 30 women graduates all went on to become New Jersey State Police Officers.